Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do I Do with my Old Computer Monitor or Television?

What do I do with my old computer monitor or television?.Prior to banning CRTs from solid waste facilities, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) assisted in developing programs and infrastructure to ensure that residents and businesses can recycle computers and televisions. Your options include the following:
• Ask if your municipality has a program for recycling computers and televisions. Most towns and cities in Massachusetts do and many of these programs were established with MassDEP grants.
• Check local TV repair shops, electronics retailer or electronics recycling companies to see if they accept computers, televisions, and other electronics for recycling from residents and small businesses.
• Consider donating your computer.
Although the disposal ban applies only to television sets and computer monitors, remember that most locations will allow you to recycle or donate your entire computer including the monitor, computer, keyboard and mouse.
