Gold Share Fund
In a recent series of opinion we have looked at where in the world one
invests in a precious metal share and the factors that must be
considered. Also, should one invest in a gold fund, holding a spread of
gold shares, or in gold shares direct?What is a Gold Share Fund? It is a fund that holds a selection of
gold shares in terms of the prospectus of the fund and bought to achieve
the objectives laid out in that prospectus.
It may be that the investment manager of the fund buys and sells
shares that he feels would better suit the fund's objectives so varying
the shares held. It may or may not state that it aims at maximizing
total returns. It may set a short-term capital gain objective and earn
its fees based to some extent on performance, charging additional fees
for that performance. Or it may aim to achieve this objective through a
long-term performance.
There can be an enormous variation of objectives or a tremendous
amount of leeway given to the investment manager in the fund. So the
first step of any investor is to fully understand what leeway he has
given to the investment manager and what the objectives of the gold
share fund are, in detail.
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