Friday, November 18, 2011

Timing the gold market

Timing the gold market today when th Venture Exchange had quite a correction from about 2,400 to 1,350 points. The juniors corrected much further than the senior and midtier golds. In September, the Venture Index was at its high from last year, about 1,750 points, a support level, and then there was a big sell-off in gold at the end of September as the gold price was knocked down about $300/oz with central bank Intervention. The index also took a quick, sharp drop on that sell-off in gold. That really hammered a bottom into that market, down to 1350. Since then, it’s rallied up a fair bit, but I’m still looking for about another 200 points. I’d like to see it get over 1,800 to be sure that it’s in a new bull move for the juniors. That would be a higher high, above the level where it fell from in September.

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